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The Dying Society that Glorifies Vice

an act that goes against everything that is basic human survival and evolution is not a strength, but a sickness.


What is degeneracy? What are degenerate acts? How would one define it? One might say that the term degeneracy relates closest to the fact these activities are more prevalent in a community when that community’s higher, more noble, and less hedonistic principles have degenerated. Submission to vice is nothing to be proud of; it is facile and achieves enjoyment without contributing good for others.

A bit like homosexuality and masturbation. Doing it is not bad. It simply isnt good. Where it becomes a problem is when people dismiss the deleterious effects accumulated overtime to the point that it’s not only tolerated, but celebrated and promoted as something inherently good for the individual and for society.

When these acts and vices are abused, they rob good people of time and effort spent on more enriching pursuits. If a culture or society celebrtes these things, they suffer. As the only thing separating us from animals is the learned discipline by our peers and elders that must be re-taught and relearnded every generation. This is the only way that more can be achieved for a community. Only if we do not succumb to every tempetation for gratification at every opportunity. This isn’t a judgement. It’s historical fact.

Vices exist. They emerge completely naturally. Especially in free countries like the US. But to glorify these vices as worthy ideals equal to or greater than abstinence is simply harmful, and thus degenerates a person’s potential to enjoy better things in life reserved solely for human experience. When you encourage someone to enjoy a vice, something they can discover on their own, without encouragement, you are not giving them anything that they couldn’t discover themselves.

No. You’re instead deceiving them through advocating a false premise, the equality of indulgence with abstinence, and by proxy, doing them a disservice and promoting harm to them. Whether you mean to or not, you are hurting them by messing with their mind and values and using peer suggestion to subvert their pre-existing values that took time and discipline to create for their own benefit, and the time and efforts of others that helped that person build them.

This is why “degenerates” have always been a social joke and a punching bag. Once they’ve dragged a society down to the point of corruption that the society can no longer recognize them as degenerates, degeneracy disappears. Because when survival is at stake, degenerate behavior is not rewarded, but punished into non-existence.

These standards should be applied to any and every industry or agenda of vice. To make jokes of them may be comical, but if we’re being honest, it descredits how much pain and suffering it causes the people with these false ideals.

If people truly cared about others, would vice be glorified?

Whores Gonna Skank

Behold. The most lusted after female in NYC.


The impression this girl wants to leave on potential suitors is:

  1. She’s a fucktoy
  2. She will keep you at a distance and never let you know the real her
  3. She’s an attention whore with a burdensome and unnecessary high female IQ and a low self-esteem nurtured by doubts of her ability to get a real alpha male to commit.

So, she pretends that she’s the one choosing her inglorious pump and dump lifestyle.

The Societal Flip

Remember. You're here forever.


Women are slowly becoming the men that they desperately need. And men are becoming the women that they want.

How telling, that the women are cashing in, making the big bucks, getting tattoos, and bad attitudes.

While men are hitting the gym, watching what they eat, being nice, agreeable, and submissive.

Women will not re-feminize until men dominate them again.

God is real


God is not real if and only if the absence of God exists. By all definitions of God, if the absence of God exists, then only evil exists. Good exists, therefore our assumption that the absence of God exists is false. Therefore, God is real.

Nice has nothing to do with Christianity.

I’ve got nothing against nice –nice is nice– but even serial killers can be nice. They generally are exceptionally affable, except when they’re murdering. That means they’re nice to, like, 97 or 98 percent of everyone they meet.

I guess they’re following Christ almost all of the time, right? \

And tolerance?

Tolerance is easy. Any coward can learn to tolerate something. Tolerance is inaction; intolerance is action. We are called to refuse to tolerate evil. We are called to get angry at it and actively work to destroy it.

Who’d have guessed it – anger is far more godly than tolerance ever coud be.

  • By all definitions of God, if the absence of God exists, then only evil exists.