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Chad Level 9000

Trump takes ‘Chad’ to a whole new level — Here we see a rare supreme alpha chad in his natural habitat.

Taking Back the West

Child > Woman > Man > God — This has been the natural order since the beginning for a reason.

We’ve been fighting a losing battle


But men deserve the women they allow to exist

Some may blame women for the current state of our degrading society. The ever increasing feminization of western culture. But should we not place the responsiblity of something as important as the cohesiveness of society on man?

It may be hard to stomach, but women are not to blame for the failures of society, being men’s subordinates, they are merely a reflection of the condition of men in a society.

If men were virtuous and demanded virtuous virginal wives, this is what women would be. Any women that would’t would be exiled. Due to this, most women in the society would aspire towards the cause of virtuous.

You can fundamentally assume that what most women want is the best life. They want to marry a good man, do right by their family, have children, and be happy-this is really all there is to it.


But when the men of the society expect women to be something most closely resembling a prostitute, what shape will women take? Because this is the expectation, this is the path women will follow.

Their family likely does little to demand virtuous behavior of them compared to material success. The same goes for society as it does not preach this either, but instead chooses to preach feminine liberation, sexual freedom, and consumerism-which forces them out into their youth with the idea that the only way to happiness is through sexual freedom.

Beauty is fading


The irony in this is that this is the cause of their demise. As after their youth fades, they begin to realize that their chance at true happiness has come and gone. They’ve been tricked.

But should we blame them?

No. It is because men are not concerned with virtue that women are not virtuous.

Therefore, to see women like this should be a wakeup call to men, forcing them to admit:

Women are only like this, because the men of my society are base.

Men need to wake up and dominate women again.

But don’t feel too bad. Things can change. And they are changing.



America is not lost yet




This man is leading the way

Gun Rights & The United States of America

Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and it's repression is tantamount to soceital collapse.

The Constitution does not grant rights. It guarantees them.


“No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Proposal Virginia Constitution, 1 T. Jefferson Papers, 334

“The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
_– Alexander Hamilton,The Federalist Papers at 184-188

“That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms … “
– Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850) — — —

  • (((Below was found on an anonymous Mongolian fingerpainting forum from an anon in Japan)))

“America works best when citizens have authority of violence in their own hands. Not hunting weapons, military weapons. Japan is opposite. But we have single people and single culture. Impossible for America to have similar situation to Japan, so I think very very smart that states have more local authority than central government, and power of violence is left at lowest building block of society. Makes very good sense. Where Japan has been the same before is our inter-prefecture and regional wars. Everybody know this is not “civil war” but violence sometimes is the best way to show whether a regional system is really more powerful than another: how much power can the bring to the edge of a combat? Nobody think “we separate from Japan” or whatever. Only regional contests. America can do this effect almost but only with voting, which is a good innovation. Central government can take weapons of Americans, though, then you lose all power of this innovation and wind up like Europe: cannot ever have bloodless revolution through voting, and rulers will push to terrible situation ignoring reality until enter cycle of holocausts and really huger wars (just look at Europe now: entering holocaust cycle again because of same stupid thing!). I hope Americans can keep the American system. No system of control works well for wild American people. They always do best when left uncontrolled.”


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remember. you're here forever.


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