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NPCs and The Left

We live in a world of programmable NPCs

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Realize that we’re facing a population that has been programmed to unthingingly accept certain narratives and reject others. That now live lives of scripted speech and actions.

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He Knows

Found on CH here

Rubin reveals a lot about the (((special person))) mindset here and why most of them support Open Borders and nation-wrecking Mass Immigration

[T]hey feel excluded in normal healthy societies, they feel like an Alien so they support Open Borders … so that everyone feels like an Alien

[W]hen you go to Walmart or the DMV and find yourself surrounded by alien hordes who worship alien gods and speak in alien tongues and feel outnumbered and alienated … (((special people))) like Rubin think that’s great

[Y]ou finally get to feel what it’s like to be a (((special person))).

[B]ut (((special people))) evolved to thrive in those conditions – we didn’t

But remember; Diversity is our strength, goyim.